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Morning Alice, this is quite a in depth dream, with a few different messages, firstly I sense that there is a past life running through, and it wants to be explored as this would help with this life, you can do this through a past life meditation and then write in a journal, don't over think it just write what comes and see what comes and sense what it means for you.
A house in a dream represents you, the feeling that it's empty and its a ghost of itself that had things once it, the strain you feel, it's perhaps you feel that you need to take some control of your life and you want to fulfill certain dreams, but are currently stuck on how to achieve what you want in life, but the blank walls say that all the past can be wiped away and you have a clean slate, you can move forward and place new things around you, things around could be a little murky, and in your subconscious things in your past we're little brighter, it's like looking back at the fond memories, so whilst that is a good thing, don't hang onto anything that doesn't make you happy, bleeding in a dream means that this is a challenging time and again it is about letting go of old hurts, any guilt, move forward and see the rooms filled with all the wants you have, the fear you have around the house of it, is the fear in waking life that you aren't getting anywhere, the cat cry is your cry out, standing up and walking towards the best for you, your crying out, the ghost is trapped, so for in some way your feeling trapped and unseen, the attic is the representation of two things, again I feel the past life coming in, but also this is the added thing in your life you want to move towards but something or someone is in your way, and the fear that dreams and goals won't be able to be achieved, working on releasing your fears in waking life, and a seeing what challenges you can over come, what goals you have, taking them one step at a time and planning out what you want allows for some control in life.
The past life come in strongly throughout the dream, something for you to explore.
Bright Blessings
Tina x

✨✨✨The main issues present in this dream are: security, comfort, certainty, and trust.
I felt 2 “energetic themes” throughout this dream- the energy of Discernment and the energy of Soul Time. This will make more sense the further I go! The energy of Discernment asks us to perceive with full awareness- we can view the world, other people, and ourselves from a place of inner balance and detachment yet with love and wisdom. Discernment shows up when we may be stuck between polarities- we want to be connected but yet we don’t, we look for familiarity (“home”) but not in the right places (attic, basement). We are always looking for that middle ground (middle of house) where our soul belongs.  
The other energetic theme I sensed is “Soul Time.” The frequency of soul time energy asks us to contemplate and incorporate the concept of the soul as timeless, limitless, and infinite. That what we know as time is a human invention. Besides going “back” to past lives and “forward” to the future, we find spaces that are far and are in between. Spaces that are infinite and nonlinear. This is soul time. Lessons can be synthesized, discoveries can be enlightening.  
And now for some symbolism!
In your dream, I see the “house” as not only a place where comfort is sought, but I see this house as symbolic of your current mindset and perspective on things. There’s a bit of a “stuck in the middle” mindset surfacing here, since you can’t go up to the heights of the attic, and you can’t go to the basement. Use the powerful energy of discernment to show you the way. Decide which things you can avoid, and those which you cannot, this is telling you.  
Even though you may expect them to come back here and there, there are memories you are done with- the walls and rooms are all bare! Except for that one room... in this room is a gentle and nourishing female energy, I believe... she literally feels like “hope” and speaks of healing. I am not sure if this is an actual person from your soul life, or if this is a part of you, but she is asking you to hold on to what nurtures you, what feels good. Everything else in the house is gone, opportunities have come and gone as they do, but do hold onto this inspirational energy inside of yourself! The white walls show me you want pure honesty in your life and you are working hard at dispelling negativity.  
The picture falling from the wall and hitting you in the lip is quite interesting... it speaks of a sudden ending to something. If you have this dream as a reoccurring dream, and you are able to navigate inside of your dreams, next time try to set the intention of seeing what is on that picture that fell into you! This is very curious.
This awareness, or discernment, is so pervasive here. The heartbeat you hear is your fear, and you are listening very carefully to it, considering it, and acting accordingly. You may not remember hearing it before because you were not at the level of processing it that you are now.  
This cat also speaks to your intuition, and also your power, emotion, independence, and your ability to trust yourself. You can hear that “meow”, you can listen to that “meow”, but you need to be able to trust the “meow.” What is it telling you?
This, I believe, is everything that came to me here! 😊. What a vivid and amazing dream, and I must say, you are a fabulous writer! Definitely keep writing these down, and cherish them! ✨✨💗💗
I sincerely hope this has been helpful to you, Alice! Do remember, it is *your* dream, this is merely *my* interpretation, so if something doesn’t resonate with you, use your “discernment.” 😄. Your intuition is very powerful and will take you far! 💕 
Stay safe and happy,

Alice Seed 2020/2021 


MSA 3rd Year final project 


Glitter text and gifs taken from open source generators and public archives


unless otherwise stated, all work is my own

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